La Mar Salada presumeix de tenir la Llotja a 327 passes. Can Ros la té un pèl més lluny però, vaja, només són 119 passes més. I ara entre nosaltres, val a dir que la persona que s'encarrega de fer-hi la compra és la mateixa, l'Albert Enrich:
La carta de Can Ros és estacional però va canviant a mesura que un producte entra i surt de temporada i al cap i la fi també depèn simplement del que arriba a llotja. Si hi ha popets, farem popets, i si no, doncs aquell dia no en tindrem a la carta
Sabut això, abans d'acostar-nos a Can Ros també podeu clicar aquí per conèixer d'antuvi l'oferta del dia d'aquells plats concrets que pot ser que hi siguin, o que no.
The bulk wine served as the house wine is now part of the history of Can Ros, but the ‘porró' is back, just as an option, obviously. And as not everyone is skilled at this art, at group tables this usually gives a lot of fun, conversation and great entertainment, apart from that given by the wine itself. The restaurant is distinguished as enhancing its wine list, which includes three necessary traits, which might come together:
1. They must be Catalan.
2. They must be organic.
3. They must be of the xarel•lo variety.
Can Ros's desserts generally follow the idea of a restaurant but also a more specific personal detail. Albert Enrich confesses:
Well, I worked with Oriol Balaguer for four years and it wouldn't make sense if you didn't notice.
And you do, you most certainly do. You notice in the most traditional recipe (‘torrija' with black chocolate ice cream). And also in the most daring... Always in an order (false coulant with cardamom ice cream).